The Best Dry Eye Treatments

If you experience burning, stinging, or itching in your eyes on a daily basis, you might be suffering from dry eye. The best way to determine what treatment is best for you is to visit your eye doctor. 

They can help find the root cause of your symptoms and make a plan to treat them. There are several effective treatments available to treat your dry eye. 

Keep reading to learn more about the best dry eye treatments!

What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome is a very common eye condition that happens to many people worldwide. Dry eyes occur when your eyes are not receiving adequate lubrication and moisturization to keep the cornea healthy. 

The cornea is the clear round dome at the front of your eye. The most common dry eye symptoms are blurry vision, eye discomfort, tearing, and irritation. 

The Causes of Dry Eye

Two scenarios can result in eye dryness. Either the eye does not produce enough tears, or the tears themselves are not of a high enough quality.

Tears keep the surface of our eyes smooth and lubricated. They allow your eyes to be comfortable and you to see clearly. 

Tears also play a vital role in protecting the eye from potential irritants by serving as a barrier. Every time you blink, a film of tears spreads across your cornea. 

A tear is made up of three layers: an oily layer, a water layer, and a mucin layer. It is up to special glands in and around your eye to produce these distinct and essential components. 

If the production of any of the components is not adequate, it can lead to dry eye. On the other hand, sometimes the eyes are not producing enough tears.

Decreased tear production can result from aging or be a side effect of certain medications such as antihistamines and birth control. Also, some medical conditions like Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus can negatively affect tear production. 

In addition, the environment around you can decrease moisture in your eyes. Wind, extreme temperatures, and air-borne irritants such as dust can trigger dry eye symptoms. 

Treating Dry Eye

Those who experience dry eye syndrome can find relief through various treatments available. At your visit with your eye doctor, they will assess your unique needs to determine the best course of treatment for you. 

Eye doctors often prescribe lubricating eye drops as the first method of treatment. Also referred to as artificial tears, the goal is to replace the natural moisture your eyes are missing. 

In some cases, your eye doctor may prescribe a thicker ointment to add additional lubrication to the front of the eye. Another method of treating dry eye is called temporary punctal occlusion. 

This simple procedure blocks the eye’s drainage ducts so that tears stay in the eye for longer. These temporary plugs typically dissolve within a few days. 

Your eye doctor can also perform in-office procedures to help treat your dry eye symptoms. Some of these in-office procedures will unblock the clogged glands, improving your tear quality. 

Eye doctors often resort to prescription eye drops, such as Restasis, when artificial tears do not adequately improve your dry eye symptoms. Your eye doctor may recommend nutritional supplements such as omega-3 and fish oil. 

These have been shown to promote healthy tear production by giving your body the nutrients it needs to produce tears. 

Are you ready to experience relief from your dry eye symptoms? Schedule an appointment today at Rosenthal Eye Surgery and Fifth Avenue EyeCare in Long Island, NY, so your eyes can get the treatment they need!

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